I think my major downfall with my fitness plan last year was trying to stick with a single program all the way through to the end. I'm not meant to repetitively complete the same style of workouts for months on end.
I tried Zombies, Run!, Focus T25, and Hip Hop Abs... but I never wanted to continue after about 6 weeks. I'd start over again after a couple of weeks off, only to quit again a month later.
I love variety, and I hate restrictions.
With most programs, you have set days you do such-and-so workouts, and it just becomes more of a hassle than anything else. I'd hate Total Body Sculpt day, and dread 45 minute runs when my calves were still sore from the last 5K. More than anything, I'd just get BORED.
This year, I'll try a new approach.
It doesn't matter what workout I try, be it running, yoga, a weight circuit, or a long stretching routine... as long as I pick one each day. That way, I'll have my variety, and look forward to doing something new or repeating a workout that I liked.
Honestly, I haven't done any exercises for a few months. I'm back at the size I was at the first of the year - last year... but that's alright. It's just ten pounds or so. We aren't buying junk food, but eating tons of yummy produce. (We are attempting spring rolls tomorrow!)
Today's workout was half yoga / half stretching.
Yoga is actually pretty tough when you're out of shape and not so limber.
I Downward Dogged so much that my palms were killing me after 15 minutes. I must not have proper form, but my body just won't bend that way yet.
The back stretching routine was fantastic though. So slow and poppy. I didn't have back pain at the end of it, which is amazing since my back is always so tense and sore.
The stretching routines are my favorite, so I'll do them daily, I think. It doesn't take so much energy, but I feel amazing afterwards. All loose and glorious.
Work out daily.
Lose 30 pounds-ish.
Eat clean-er.
Convince boyfriend to buy that Zales ring I'm crazy about.
Be nicer.
Have more patience with the kids.
Start building our home.
Shave legs more often.
Blog more. It's therapy.